Attractions around Barra do Garças
Explore 11 attractions, restaurants, shops around Barra do Garças
4.5 (312)
Parque das Aguas Quentes
Avenida Aguas Quentes s/n Zona Rural, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78600-000 Brazil
5.0 (231)
Caiaques e Trilhas Antonio
Rua Horacio de Souza 799 Próximo o SENAC, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78601-185 Brazil
The Kayaks and Trails Antonio was created in June 2009 with the aim of providing people with laser, whether on board a kayak, visiting waterfalls, hiking trails or hiking. Also with the purpose of joining the modern to the old, going to communities on the site, observe their ways of living, customs and its simplicity, seeking a balance between the parties. We work with university students, public network, companies and tourists. Always aiming for our greatest good. THE ENVIRONMENT.
4.0 (134)
Cristo Redentor
Serra Azul, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78600-000 Brazil
4.0 (93)
Cachoeira Da Usina
Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78600-000 Brazil
4.5 (72)
Cachoeira Pe da Serra
Rua Norte Parque Estadual da Serra Azul, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso Brazil
4.5 (65)
Porto do Bae
Av. Antonio Paulo da C Bilego, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso Brazil
5.0 (39)
From Barra do Garcas 63 km, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78600-000 Brazil
3.5 (24)
Barra Center Shopping
Av. Min. Joao Alberto, 2077, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78600-000 Brazil
4.5 (20)
Park Portais do Roncador
BR 158 Km 730, Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78600-000 Brazil
3.5 (17)
Praca dos Garimpeiros
Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso 78600-000 Brazil
4.5 (15)
Cachoeira Serra Verde
Barra do Garcas, State of Mato Grosso Brazil
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